Saturday, May 14, 2005

apparently i was at a loss for words?

That last post really did have some content. I don't know where it went.
Anyway, the bottom line was... thesis going ok. Still sick of writing. On target for my June 30 defense, after which point I will expect everyone to refer to me as 'Dr. Lisa' or 'Lisa, Ph.D.' At least for a little while. After all, I did not spend six years in grad school for nothing.
Aaaaaand thats why I haven't posted much, because we are too cheap to have internet access at home. I've been home writing most days, hanging out with the dog and the cat army.

Today's news is that my dad is here for a few days. He's flying through on his way back up north. When he got here on Thursday, one of the postdocs in our lab brought her 4 year old to the airport so that he could see the plane. He thought it was pretty cool!
My dad brought Kola (who is an African Grey parrot) who has thoroughly freaked the cats out. Kola is a good alarm clock, as he begins going loudly through his repetoire as soon as the room he's in starts to get light (his repetoire is much larger than this, these are just my personal favorites):

"Bob? Where are you??"
"Are you going bye-bye? Mommy going bye-bye? Byeee-byeeeeeeee!"
"Do you wanna step up?"
"Can you be a roo? rooster!"
...and an assortment of random noises, like the telephone, the car door locking beep, etc. He's quite amusing though, and if we did not both work so much, we'd love to get a parrot. They really need regular interaction.

Today we're going to the Durham Bulls game with some of our friends, which will be fun. Minor league games are really cool because the stadium is so much smaller, you're literally right on top of the players. Right now we're at work while my dad prints out all the current and forecast weather maps. Then we're going to drive down to Raleigh with Milo for a TSR adopt-a-thon event. Should be fun!

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