Monday, May 15, 2006

Our wet weekend

Well, the weekend culminated yesterday in some torrential raining + hail excitement. Brian thought it would be nice to go to the Eno River State Park for a picnic lunch, so he packed up some bread, Parrano (best cheese on the planet!) and drinks and we drove out there with the dog. Unfortunately the weather had other ideas - it started to rain almost as soon as we got there. No problem - we opened the back of our Honda Pilot and sat in the back of the car picniking. Hee.

When we got home it continued to rain steadily, interspersed with several bouts of world-is-ending-type hailstorms. I don't remember seeing hail all that many times in my life, period. In the last month now, I've seen hail come down three times! Again, we really hoped that our stupid neighbors cars would get DESTROYED, but again, the hail wasn't big enough. Damn nature! Not as vindictive as me, apparently.

Okay those of you reading from NH and Mass. and saying - but we've got floods!! I'm not lookng for your sympathy. I did see Derry on the news today with regards to flooding. Oh, and my parents are on their way back north this week - just in time!!

In other news, the in-laws departed on Sunday morning, continuing their tour of the Great Motels of the Eastern Seaboard. Instead of visiting somewhere worth going (like Charleston or Savannah, which my parents and I both recommended), they again stopped 20 miles OUTSIDE of Savannah, with no intention of going TO Savannah. Their next purported stop is Daytona Beach, so I'm figuring that means a hotel 20 miles inland. Whatever floats their boat!

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