Friday, July 28, 2006

News flash

We interrupt your Herryn's wedding coverage for an important news flash:

We're having a boy! And he seems to have all his parts! He even moves and opens his mouth which, a little bit freaky to see actually. How can there be something in there as big as a large banana, moving (!) and i can't really even feel it?? Holy crap.

He was not shy at all about showing us. The U/S tech said he really wanted us to know, he made it easy! Now we have a picture of a little penis with a big word and arrow pointing to it: 'BOY'.


Melissa Greenfield said...

Hahaha, you should post the picture! Congratulations by the way, even though I already told you. :) I'm super psyched about the boy.

Anonymous said...

How exciting!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! We saw a similar penis/testicles ultrasound, but the tech didn't print it out for us. It was pretty amazing to see, and very clear that it was a boy. From a completely biased source, boys are wonderful. :-)

peppersnaps said...

Yay -- congratulations!

Please post the pic! :)

Laura said...

Congratulations, Lisa and Brian! Little boys are so fun!!

Anonymous said...


your first decision as parents of a boy:
circumcise or not?

(it just gets better from there).