Monday, July 10, 2006


This weekend was a total thrill, I tell you. On Saturday, Brian and I went to Babies R Us to register in advance of a baby shower I know is coming up in a month or so. Overwhelming. Did you know there were 8 million different varieties of Pack-n-Play? Now you do. We managed to get a lot of the big stuff taken care of though. Oh, also? I bought a Snoogle, which is a crazily-shaped body pillow. And thanks, Aimee, you were right on the body pillow front. Loves it!

On Sunday we had friends from work over to watch the World Cup Final. A friend who couldn't make it suggested we play a drinking game wherein everyone has to chug a beer every time Italy fakes an injury. I didn't think this was a good idea, because everyone would have been completely trashed within 15 minutes. Ha. The game was okay, I was disappointed that it had to end in penalty kicks. However, how very exciting it was when Zinedine Zidane, in what was apparently his last professional soccer moment ever, headbutted some guy on the Italian team 10 minutes before the end of the game. I'm sure they were arguing, but hello! Not a good move. Stay calm for 10 more minutes!


Anonymous said...

Check out this video of some of the headbutt-ee's previous work:

"What comes around goes around?"

Melissa Greenfield said...

The irony is Zidane just won the World Cups Best Player award.

peppersnaps said...

I agree -- but it was kinda fun to watch the many re-plays of the headbutt. He leveled that poor guy! So uncool. I'm dying to know what he said to provoke such a response!